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Let's Get Engineering-in recognition of National Engineers Week (Feb.17-23) Vol.5 #2

Our Posterity = Our Children

Posterity comes from Middle English posterite, from Anglo-French pusterite, from Latin posterus ("coming after")


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-Bill Gates


National Engineers week is nearly here and it is as important as ever that we teach our students its meaning and importance. This week was geared to raise public awareness about the contributions of engineers and the importance of incorporating S.T.E.M principles into everyday curriculum.

Math and science are the major skills needed to be an effective engineer. Engineers need to become as knowledgeable as possible on certain subjects in order to successfully solve problems and make important improvements. Below are examples of three different types of engineering fields.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering refers to the research, design, development and testing of machines. This can include anything from batteries to roller coasters to combustion engines and refrigeration systems. Mechanical Engineers find a problem, analyze it and research how it can be solved. They also oversee the manufacturing of these products and test and retest until an optimal solution is found. For a great video to share with your students, go to the

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineers design things like roads, tunnels, bridges, railroads etc. Depending on the sub-field of this profession, they have to understand strength and stability and what forces are at stake when designing these structures (structural). They also have to be concerned with the efficiency and movement of people (transportation) and the behavior of Earth's materials (geotechnical). For another great video go to

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering deals with the study and application of electricity and electronics. This is a very broad field of engineering with many sub-fields. Electrical Engineers can be involved in wireless communication, electronic power, control, instrumental and signal processing. They work on things like circuit boards, solar panels, sensors etc. Head to this YouTube channel for another great video to share with

your students.

Explaining what these types of engineers do is wonderful and the videos can be helpful, but to reinforce how important engineering is here are some activities you can do right in the classroom!


Let's Design an Elevator

In this activity, your students will design and build an elevator made out of things such as wheels, pulleys, string, cardboard and other materials. They will better understand the work mechanical engineers face, as well as how an elevator works, all while working together as a group! For more information on this activity, visit


Help your students better understand what civil engineers do by building a spaghetti bridge. You will need materials such as dry spaghetti, glue and various weights. For a more detailed description, got to


Electrical Scavenger Hunt

This activity is simple and quick, but you will help your students realize just how many things electrical engineers are responsible for designing. Your students will need paper, pencil and a clipboard. They will search around the classroom for all things that have been made by electrical engineers and write it down. For specific instructions go to


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